What is Speculative Fiction?
Back in August, I participated in a reading with the speculative fiction group Strong Women, Strange Worlds. They bring together women and non-binary speculative fiction authors for readings on zoom every week.
But what even is Speculative Fiction?
Speculative fiction is an umbrella term that encompasses various genres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and dystopian fiction. What sets speculative fiction apart is its "what if" approach—asking readers to imagine worlds, societies, or technologies that don’t currently exist or vastly differ from our reality. This genre explores possibilities beyond the ordinary, making it a playground for imagination and innovation.
Asking “what if” is a hallmark of my approach to plotting, and it’s how I conceived of Collapsing the Divide, the sequel to Without A World. What if the protagonists in Without A World had gone too far with their solution in book one? What if their solution disrupted the balance of the universe?
There is no one genre for Speculative Fiction.
Aspects of speculative fiction can be found in many genres like sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and dystopian and post-apocalyptic.
If the story pushes the reader to question their reality and the status quo, then it’s speculative fiction. And that’s what I aim for in each book I write.
Here’s a picture snapped during the reading.
Because it was August in Louisiana, thunder and lightning crashed outside while I read a suspenseful excerpt from Without A World. The natural special effects made the reading so fun!
Check out their Quick Reads You Tube channel to see more speculative fiction authors.